Leonardo Rodriguez

Profile Updated: January 24, 2021
Leonardo Rodriguez
Spouse/Partner Nilda Valdes
Occupations you've had. Worked for BellSouth, now I am retired.
Children and Grandchildren 4 children, 5 grandchildren (all 5 are girls).
Yes! Attending Reunion
Tell us about the neighborhood you grew up in: a. What was your address (123 East 38th St) or the nearest intersection (1st Avenue and 38th Street) b. Who were your neighbors that were classmates (Bill Clinton, Donald Trump, George Bush, and Dolly Parton...yes they all were born in 1946). c. How far was it from your home to your junior high school and HHS? d. Anything else?

101 W 6th St.

What schools, if any, did you attend after high school?

Miami-Dade Jr College, graduated from Nova University

Hialeah High School Story

I remember Mr. Schoenfield, history teacher, also Ms Collazo and Ms Lobster

What was the junior high school you attended prior to going to Hialeah High School?

Miami Springs Junior High School

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