Going Back In Time...

What the area was like when we attended Hialeah High School?

1. Don Boyd, a member of Hialeah High School class of 1965, put together a photo gallery of not only Old Hialeah, but Old South Florida. Be sure to scroll down the page a bit until you find the photos. You should find the comments from some of the folks you might know as interesting as the photos:


2. Again from Don Boyd's website, a photo gallery of Hialeah High School as well as a few of the schools that fed students into HHS: 


3. Although we were "too young" during our high school years to spend much time at Hialeah Park Race Track (aka Miami Jockey Club, Hialeah Race Track or Hialeah Park), it was a major entertainment venue for South Florida and of course where the name of our high school mascot, the Thoroughbreds, came from! You can pick up a bit of history of the park from Wikipedia, but if you want to learn from the "horses mouth" (yes the pun was intended), click on the following YouTube link. The quality is very poor, but the content and six parts is worth it. If you don't already know, you'll learn how flamingos turn from their original gray color to a vibrant pink: 


These are photos of how Hialeah Race Track looks today! Just click on them to enlarge them.

